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Chili Peppers and Sinuses

Can chili peppers clear up swollen sinuses? Scientists have found that capsaicin, the substance in chili peppers that causes a burning sensation in tissue that it comes into contact with, can help reduce sinus inflammation. After using a Capsicum annum nasal spray, participants in the study reported fast relief from sinus inflammation. The participants suffered from non-allergic rhinitis, an upper respiratory condition not resulting from allergies.
As stated by researcher Jonathan Bernstein, MD, "Basically, we concluded that the spray was safe and effective on non-allergic rhinitis." Earlier studies with the ingredients in the spray were not as successful because the substance was too hot for the participants. According to the researchers, the participants had to be anesthetized before application of the spray. The current results are good news for non-allergic rhinitis sufferers as the Capsicum annum nasal spray can be used repeatedly to control symptoms.